“Discussing positive experiences leads to heightened well-being, increased overall life satisfaction and even more energy”
Nathaniel Lambert
What to Expect
Who are you? Are you happy with the direction your life is taking? Do you feel inspired? Maybe you feel like you are living your life running into the same situations, the same basic problems over and over again, and you do not know why. Maybe there is this small voice, or an inner knowing, telling you, “This is not all there is!” But it feels scary to admit that, and to really look. I mean, REALLY look. What will you find? What judgements or fears come up? To be blunt; what is stopping you from being who and how you really want to be?
The answers to your question literally reside within you. Within YOU!
The Hopi Elder’s prophecy says “Do not look outside yourself for your leader.” YOU are the one you have been waiting for. But it is not as simple as that, is it? When you do not know how to listen to that message within you, when all you see or feel is the same old same old, WHAT DO YOU DO? What if you know deep down what needs to happen but it is just too scary, will upset too many people, means a huge life change…THEN what?
I implement effective psychotherapy methods to illuminate self-understanding in my clients and encourage them to adopt new attitudes and feelings towards life situations. It is essential to keep in mind that therapy is not a magic pill or a quick fix: therapy is a healing process that necessitates participation and investment from the client and therapist alike. But in the end, making small changes to problem behavior and coping with feelings of sadness, fear, and pain can bring life-altering results.
Whether a situation you need help to resolve or a personal burden you've longed to overcome, the journey to your inner strength and wisdom will move you forward in wonderful ways you have not yet imagined. It requires a guide, someone to help you decipher the message that lies waiting within you for your attention who will then work with you to create a pathway for you to follow. The steps are similar but look different for each person’s journey. When words don't come easily, when you feel but can't describe, when you've lost touch in that moment with the emotions that need to heal, I will help you get there with gentle techniques that don't always rely on speech. Often the answers lie within the body itself, in past experiences that have embedded themselves in our bodies and express themselves through our movements, sensations, our posture, our behaviors. Once the clues are decoded, oftentimes the wisdom arises spontaneously from you, as an insight or an ‘aha’ moment; this is the next step!
Contact me for a 15 minute phone consult, free of charge, to see if we are a fit to work together.
In Person in Victoria BC, or by Telephone or Video for distance sessions.
I have been providing therapeutic services in the Greater Victoria area since 2004. Whether you’re looking for a bit of counseling, need professional assistance overcoming a traumatic experience, or are wanting to move closer to your Best Self - your wellbeing is my number one priority. I will work with you to create a personalized journey toward your dreams, goals, and your desired outcome.
I have access to several areas of funding including Extended Benefits as an Registered Clinical Counsellor, First Nations Health Authority, ICBC, and several Employee Assistance Programs federally and provincially. Contact me to see if you qualify for funding through one of these programs. Currently I do not do direct billing; once payment is made for the session I provide a receipt that you can submit to your provider for reimbursement (for those funders that do not pay for my services directly).
Rates are $200/hr
Payment can be made by cash, e-transfer, or cheque.
I have a sliding scale from $150 - $200/hr; please ask me about this if it would be beneficial for you at this time.
Individual Therapy
I guide my clients every step of the way using various methods in close consultation with them to help them develop new attitudes and have more rewarding experiences in life’s most complex matters. I work holistically, taking into account the context, environment, history, societal and other factors that contribute to the challenge or issue you face. In these ways therapeutic engagement is uniquely designed specifically for you.
I provide services to adults and mature teens.
About Me
Since 2004, I have provided a number of specialized therapeutic services to those dealing with challenging life experiences. Client well-being is my number one priority, and I go above and beyond to help them through all their obstacles.
I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) in private practice in Victoria, and serving clients worldwide through virtual platforms. I received a BA in Psychology in 1999, and an M.Ed in Counselling Psychology in 2004 from the University of Victoria. Continued Education is very important, and I completed the two year Somatic Transformation program, offered by Dr. Sharon Stanley.
The Fury Factor:
Controlling Your Anger
- Today's Parent
Learn how to keep your anger from bubbling over; what the triggers are, what happens physically, about expressing and suppressing, signs of when you need professional help, and a calming technique called "Belly Breathing".
I have extensive experience in child protection, working closely with families to address issues that hinder the parents' ability to be the kind of parents they the want to be. And, that their children need them to be.
One area of personal focus is meditation and mindfulness; I have a deep belief that in bringing increased awareness to those things that happen around me I can continue to learn and grow and thrive, despite circumstances that arise.
I believe that people can change, and I understand that each person is their own expert; I offer respectful and clear guidance for co-creating strategies that assist people to move toward their goals and dreams.
How to find the office:
For easiest access, enter on Burnside Road (upper parking side / back side of the Douglas Shopping Centre). Look for the Unit 550 entrance door "Evergreen Offices", two doors to the right of Namaste Restaurant. If you find yourself on the lower parking side (on Douglas) you can go up the stairs next to LifeStyles Market and walk past 5 doors to Unit 550.
If you are driving and enter on Douglas, drive up the ramp to park on the upper level. Ample free parking!